Halloween Collection
Give them pumpkin to talk about with the Exploratorium Store's eerie-sistible Halloween collection.
Experience a thrilling and immersive twist to game night with Shadows in the Forest, create your own gross, but delicious gummy worms and spiders, and everything else your heart and bones desire with this special collection.
Tesla's Lamp
$ 63.00
Shadows in the Forest
$ 32.00
Science Tarot
$ 29.95
Brain Scan Scarf
$ 50.00
Socktopus Socks
From $ 10.00 - $ 12.00
Eyeball 4D Anatomy Model
$ 24.99
Hand Boiler
$ 5.99
Ultimate Chemistry Set
$ 50.00
Giant Microbe Heart Organ
$ 14.95
UGears Hexapod Explorer
$ 55.00
Drawing Insects with Ink
$ 35.00
Frog Anatomy 4D Model
$ 37.00